Monday, March 28, 2005


When you need to knock on wood is when you discover that the world is
made of aluminum, vinyl and fiberglass.
-- Fulton's Law

It has happened to me so many times.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter Cartoons

Some cartoons from
Easter Bunny
Billy Bunny
This one is not easter realated:
Not Easter

Friday, March 25, 2005

Three Haikus - Am I stressed?

LiveJournal Haiku!
Your name:tuber_x
Your haiku:drifting toward this
mindset i've certainly seen
it in the garbage
Created by Grahame

LiveJournal Haiku!
Your name:tuber_x
Your haiku:said i'm not stressed
or anything or if i
am i'm not aware
Created by Grahame

LiveJournal Haiku!
Your name:tuber_x
Your haiku:i have no idea
and i really don't care but
it is so worth it
Created by Grahame

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Inappropriate Comment

So today on my dead game I had something to think about for a little while. Yesterday, I had a couple of escorts with older guys on my game. They were pretty wild, but manageable. The guys had flown in with the escorts from Texas. It sounded like the guys were regular customers. I even heard one of them talking about a watch that he had bought for his wife to one of the escorts.

They came back tonight, but were playing on another table. Our new shift manager came up to me and said, "Looks like your friends are back tonight. They look different."

I replied, "They are much more subdued."

He said, "They look cleaner. There was a lot of fucking and sucking going on up in their rooms last night."

I only was able to say, "yeah." The shift manager then went on to another pit.

So, I was given the following topics to think about on my dead game:

Is it appropriate for a shift manager to use that language to an employee? No, well, legally he could get in a lot of trouble. I don't care, but it could cause problems for him. That goes for any employee though. How about a boss? They obviously have to set an example with professional behavior. On the other hand, they are entitled to free speech, should that be infringed upon by a corporation? Don't get me wrong, I understand sexual harassment laws and why we have them, but are they too protective? I don't know. I personally don't find such talk appropriate at work, not like I talk like that at home.

Why did he use such pornographic language to describe the obvious? Last night, it was quite clear they were going to be getting sexual. The shift manager saying so was the equivalent of saying the sky is blue. It's obvious. Of course, we all say obvious things throughout the day in the guise of conversation. ie. "It's really raining out there".
Now, if he said, "they had a lot of sex last night", I would have thought "well, duh". He instead gave me a visual of at least two sexual positions. Was that the purpose of the language? A sort of mental porno among co-workers.

I forgot what else I thought about this incident, but it was interesting. You'll have to trust me on this.

All in all, I don't really care about what he said. I was just a little shocked that it came from my boss and it gave me something to think about.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Should Men Wear Jewels?

So, I'm standing on a dead game. It happens a lot in the high limit pit. The games there do not have to be busy to make crazy money, so they stay open and dead sometimes. An hour can feel like a day when you are just standing there looking at a flower arrangement and hoping that the next person sitting down isn't an asshole. I feel that I should fill those times with something constructive, but I can't really do anything besides think. Tonight, I added in my head to pass the time. I did the basic 2 2=4, 4 4=8, 8 8=16. When I get to right above 10,000, I forget the number and decide that it is stupid and pointless anyway. I went to a "boredom" game website and it suggested trying not to think about polar bears. It said the entertainment factor was about 2-3 minutes. Unfortunately, the entertainment lasted about 30 seconds after I completely forgotten that I was playing a game.

I noticed that the floor supervisor was wearing a ring with a big ruby in it. I like rubies a lot, but I think they look stupid on men. Is it just me or is it the way I was raised. I think jewelry on men looks horrible and tacky. Some of the male dealers at work have huge gold bracelets and gaudy gold pinky rings. Oh my god, make me vomit. Also, what are they telling the people that tip them? "I have so much money that I waste it on frivolous man jewelry. Give me more, so I can waste it." What jerks!

Now don't get me wrong, I like simple gold or silver bands and watches. I don't like watches covered with diamonds (I see a ton of them in the high limit room. Again, what jerks!) I think all stones are bad except tiger's eye. Why Tiger's eye? Well, I can think of two reasons. One, my father has a nice tiger's eye ring. It is a nice earthy tone and is understated rather than flashy. The other reason is interesting if true. Pagans associate tiger's eye with masculinity. Could it be that tiger's eye is masculine for a reason? That is looks appropriate on men for a reason? or is it that I was exposed to it as a child and therefore find it appropriate? Thinking about this killed about 5 minutes on a dead game.

In other news, someone won $150,000 off of me a couple of days ago, betting $5,000 a hand. They lost it to another dealer. I was told by the player that if they won $500,000, they would buy me a car. Of course, the casino doesn't allow that though. It was one of my least favorite players in the world though (an owner of another casino). I did get a $1,000 tip which is very rare from him. Interestingly enough, he has a diamond encrusted watch.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Stumble Upon

Click on this link for a website with a little movie that is really cool:

Ping Pong

I found it using Stumble Upon! Stumble Upon is a search engine of sorts that just lets you browse random sites after you fill out an interest questionaire. It is a little intrusive in that you have to install a toolbar for it, but I found that it is so worth it. I think I have found more interesting things on the web in two nights than I have ever before.

Like the cool animation on this scientific website:

Hidden Worlds

or this optical illusion site:

Light and Dark

or this Urban Legends reference page: (Check out the Coke poster that has a suggestive image on it)

Urban Legends

Anyway I'm a huge fan of Stumble Upon mostly because the sites you see are recommended by other people and so you don't get a lot of ads.

Friday, March 11, 2005

I just think this is amazing

Go to and play the game. I'm pretty amazed everytime. Think of a simple object and it guesses it and it is right most of the time.