So, I had a bad day. I really didn't enjoy today in the least. I've been down about work lately, mostly because we have had a lot of rich golfers playing. So, tip money has been way down. And, as you know from my rantings about golfers, I haven't been treated very nicely either.
Well, the golfers were gone today. I haven't been in the high limit pit all week (I think they know I'm pretty burned out on it). So, they've been keeping me on $25 dollar tables in the regular pits. Today, I started dealing like a zombie not really wanting to put on a show, but the customers were great. They were some of the nicest people I've dealt to in a long time. Not a lot in tips, but some tips. That's what a dealing job is all about. I stopped being so down about it. Then, I was tapped out and told to take out Pai Gow Poker for twenty minutes. I really didn't know why. I haven't dealt Pai Gow Poker for almost a year. I get there and no one is friendly and one guy is betting $200, more than I have ever dealt to on Pai Gow. So, I decided to go a little slow and make sure I do everything right. Well, at the end of the twenty minutes, I laid out my hand incorrectly. The floor supervisor came over and said "straight" quietly (actually, he doesn't really speak english. All I heard was a grunt.) Then the dealer came over back from break and said "straight" as well (also, not an english speaker). And then I saw that I had a straight. Well, I already gave the first $10 better a push. That means that they get off without losing due to my fault. Well, the person betting $200 had his hand spread out when I rearranged my hand to a straight. (It helps if you understand Pai Gow Poker to get what I'm talking about). Anyway, that turned his winning hand into a losing hand, but I thought it was a push. I heard "loss" and realized that I should take his money, so I did. (Actually, I'm not suppose to take his money, because his hand was spread out when I rearranged my hand. That's Nevada gaming law.) But I took it, not thinking because I'm never over there and I had no instruction from my supervisor, not even in the form of grunts. The guy started incoherently yelling and yelling, insisting that the supervisor call the camera. So, I laid out his hand again and then he said he was wrong and that he did lose. That ended that ordeal as I went on break.
I asked the pit boss what was going on, why did I have to go to Pai Gow? He said that they needed to get a statement from the dealer because they were going to arrest that man (the large better) for past posting. (Past posting is when a person adds money to their bet after they learn that they are going to win). The man was arrested shortly after.
Anyway, I went back to my table after my break and the people had all changed. It turned into one of the worst tables I have ever been on. I have to constantly tell two drunk people to not use two hands on the cards. One of them would instantly drop the cards like they were hot potatoes. The other one would yell, "Jeez, why are guys so mean?" I was actually really nice about it. The people were winning and still acting like they were taking a beating. One drunk lady constantly said, "You suck!" to me. And everyone was complaining about the cards even though the lowest player was up $100 and some players were up $1,000. I really can't describe how horrible it was, but trust me it was horrible. And, of course, no tips.
The person relieving me came to take me out 40 minutes 'til the end of the shift, which means a 20 minute break and then back to the table. He told me just to go home and that he would take care of the table. That never happens. Dealers don't do that. Dealers don't voluntarily work an extra twenty minutes, but I think everyone could see that I had it. Near the end, I even said while dealing, "Jesus Christ, what have I done to deserve this table?!" I never do things like that. It was taken light-heartedly by the table though, as I knew it would.
Then on top of that, my break coincided with someone that I can't stand. I really can't stand this guy and I can tolerate almost anyone. I can't stand his voice or is face. I sometimes walk around him just so I don't have to hear him say "hello". I always try to avoid getting the same break as him. I think he is an idiot for so many reasons. I can't stand idiots and he is the cream of the crop.
So, he sat down by me today as I knew he would and made some small chit chat that I could tolerate. He then turned it into a tirade about what Louis Farrakahn said in a speech. He said that Farrakahn said that black people should strap bombs on themselves and blow up white people more so than the terrorists. I know that Farrakahn is known to make outrageous statements, but I knew exactly where this was coming from and so I calmly pointed it out after he finished yelling about it. (Oh, and there was a black man at the table next to us). I said, "What is the source on this? It sounds like Fox News." He said that he was sure it was on all of the channels. I said, "Well, it really sounds like Fox News. They like to take statements out of context. I know that Farrakahn says some crazy things, but it really sounds like Fox News blowing something out of proportion." He said, "yeah, well, he's crazy. And if you turned on the news today you would have seen it on all of the news channels." I replied truthfully, "well, I watched the news today and I didn't see it, but I didn't watch Fox News." This left him speechless until he said it was time to go back to work. He didn't approach me again that night.