I keep meaning to write a little review of this movie, but I keep forgetting. I read a review of this movie that was titled, "Painful........ Like stabbing yourself in the eye with a sharp object!"
That about sums it up. Greg, for some reason, wants to recommend it to everyone for its unplanned camp-factor.
It's a post apocalyptic movie about a handful of people trying to survive by living in an empty hospital. The apocalypse, by the way, happened because the world ran out of oil. You would think that this might be dragged out into some sort of heavy handed social commentary throughout the movie. Luckily, this movie wasn't written well enough to do that, so the social commentary only exists for the first 5 minutes. It still really doesn't explain how a city of millions has been reduced to about 20 healthy looking individuals, 10 idiots and 10 ravenous cannibals.
So, these 10 people living in a hospital are trying to establish a set of communal rules like it is some sort of rebuilding of society. They rescue a woman in distress and then start coming under attack by cannibals. The woman they rescue is small, blond and clean. The cannibals are big, greasy and dirty. It still comes as no big surprise in the end that the blond is their leader. Anyway, the blond starts making suggestions like, "we should split up" and "we shouldn't defend ourselves". I don't see how these people survived the apocalypse, because they think her ideas are the best and become easy targets.
These cannibal humans have this huge appetite. Greg and I figured that at the rate they were eating, they could eat about one human a day...each. These cannibals were completely obsessed with eating other humans too. One cannibal chasing down a victim would shout, "I'll gnaw your bones!" Another would say, "I want the heart." There was a part where a cannibal was sitting, waiting to make a kill when his stomach growled. He then said something to the tune of, "Soon, my precious, I will fill you with delicious meat." When they ate, it would show them eating hands and holding femurs. The two universal ways of eating humans in movies.
There was a young, mute girl....of course. Young, mute girls always survive, as did this one. Young, mute girls always say one word, as did this one. And in stereotypical fashion this young, mute girl's one word was an insult to one of the cannibals. She called a cannibal, "Retard!" Of all the one words to choose, what a absolutely idiotic choice on so many levels.
The picture above is of the heroine of the story. She learns to become bad-ass and primitive in order to kill the cannibals by injecting the dead with sedatives and stabbing them while they are groggy and full of delicious meat.