Today, I went out to buy supplies to make a $5 HDTV antenna. It has cost me about $20 already and even though you can get antennas for as little as $10, I am not deterred.

During my adventure, I went to Walmart. At said Walmart, I went to the McDonald's for an iced coffee. By the way, McDonald's regular iced coffee is the best in my opinion, tons better than Starbucks and cheaper too. Anyway, while ordering a woman barged in, asking if they had any longer straws. The worker claimed that they did not. She complained that they needed longer straws. The worker appologized. She then pushed the straw all the way into the drink and showed how the straw barely came out of the cup. She said in utter outrage, "Look at that!"
The worker stated, "I'm sorry, I don't order the straws."
I added, "Oh no, life is over as we know it." To which she casted me a mad glanced and stormed off. I feel bad for McDonald's workers. It is already a horrible job, but working at a McDonald's in a Walmart must be the lowest job in the world.
Back in the electronics department, I caught a conversation between a woman and a sole worker at the electronics cash register. She asked, "Can you take that to the front? I need to go get some money." Which I translated to mean, 'I see you are alone in your station. You can just give me the expensive, locked-up merchandise and I will take it to the front and won't steal it. I promise.' I only say this, because the woman was extremely dirty and desperate looking.
I decided to go to self checkout because I like self checkout. I get to pretend that I'm a checkout person. Little Greg says that it is unethical to go to self checkout because it takes away people's jobs. I, on the other hand, find self checkout to be a wonderful product. I'm totally sold on it. I get to play store and I don't have to face another human being...yay! So, there were three checkouts. In the first one was a woman with two small children. When she finished, she asked her 4 year old son sitting in the cart, "You got the money?"
He replied opening his spiderman wallet, "You're going to pay me back, right?"
"Mmmmhmmm," she replied.
On the second checkout was a manish woman buying large quanties of pet supplies including large bags of dog food.
On the third checkout was a group of 4 latino gentemen paying in the cash accepter with twenty extremely crinkled one-dollar bills.
It took forever to get out of Walmart.