I used to hate this picture, but now I like it because I can compare it to my new passport photo. I think my new passport photo makes me look like Pogo, the clown. Pogo, of course, was John Wayne Gacy, the infamous murderer. Here is a picture of him:
I really should have chosen a color photo (you'll see why below). However, I find his hat in this picture particularly disturbing. Clowns are creepy. It goes without saying this is especially true when they are mass murders.
And here is my new passport photo:
Luckily, the passport lines obscure the overall effect of the picture, but you can tell. Yes, indeed, I do have my lower lip sticking out as if to pout. The photo does also add many shades of red to my face adding to the clown-like effect. If I don't think of John Wayne Gacy, then I'm liable to think of Droopy the dog.
In other news, I picked up pizza today from Cafe Verdi. (I know, I know, from the picture, I clearly don't need pizza). Anyway, I like the Cafe Verdi pizza, it is cheap and it tastes great. There are some drawbacks though. First, the place smells horrible. This isn't a problem if you take it to go. Second, I noticed a couple of these hung up high on the walls:
Evil eye protection amulets. Then I noticed that they spoke some sort of Eastern European language that I couldn't make out. They're gypsies...dirty, foul-mouthed, mean, no tipping gypsies. I hate gypsies. I've had too many experiences with these horrible people at the blackjack tables. I'm torn between my love of good, cheap pizza and the generalized hatred of an already persecuted people.