So, I went to the doctor. She didn't look in my eye. She didn't check my pupil size. I swear one is smaller than the other. I said symptoms like it hurts my affected eye when I look at light with my unaffected eye. Perhaps it is iritis, which could be treated with anti-inflammatory medicine and dilation. She just gave me a prescription for an antibiotic eye drop even though I said that I had been using one to no avail just to rule out bacterial infection.
I then showed her a wart that has appeared above my eyebrow. (Don't worry, it looks manly and like a mole). She said that a dermatologist would have to remove warts. I can understand her hesitation of removing a wart on a face, but all warts? Time to find another doctor.
I need to make a batch of Greg's wart remover. It is pure salicylic acid mixed with a little bit of lotion. It works better than anything and the wart is just gone in a couple of days from one application. The problem is that it is hard to order pure salicylic acid unless you are a school or laboratory. Sigh...
By the way, do not do a search for warts using the google image search, unless you want to look at a lot of warty genitals.