You are Rosy Perfection Salad!! Though your name
may be innocent and cheerful, your jello-sweet
exterior hides a foul, sinister core.
What Weight Watchers recipe card from 1974 are you?
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I thought these were cute, so I entered in other answers and put them under the replies for you to enjoy. Take the test first and then come back to see what other's are available.
You are Fluffy Mackerel Pudding!! You somehowmanage to combine seafood and dessert into yourwonderfully fluffy world. We should all be astolerant of New Taste Sensations. And ofbig-yolked eggs.
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You are Fish 'Tacos.' You might think you'reexotic and worldly-wise, but in reality you'rejust a bunch of crap on toast. Repeat afterme: 'just because you put something inquotation marks doesn't make it so.' And'taco' isn't Spanish for 'toast.'
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You are Liver Pate en Masque!! You are very, veryscary. Yet, somehow... erotic? No, justscary.
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You are Mackerelly!! You feel obligated to createnew words just to define yourself asdifferent... I mean diff-tacular. Justremember... ORIGINAL doesn't necessarily meanGOOD.
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