Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Unionizing part III

Today, I was told that there is a rumor that the higher ups are looking to find out who is organizing the union and then fire them.

That is, of course, not legal, but then it is also hard to prove.

What I need to do is get a group of brave workers and send a letter to the "higher ups" stating that we are the organizing committee. That puts a nice piece of protection, because it proves that they know who is unionizing and it looks really suspicious when they fire them.

Of course, there is no one else putting their neck on the line with me and I've received no e-mails at my union e-mail address.

I should just give up and let the idiots suffer, but I'm not going to, not yet.


  1. That's a good idea about the committee letter.
    I hope you keep following what you know is right for you. It sounds like taking the risk is worth the alternative of continuing to slave away for these people without an end in sight.

  2. That's just it, I'm getting another job in a couple of years. So, my benefit from this is limited.

  3. It makes you feel better today though, and you get to reflect on how you are trying to change injustices that *have* bothered you.
    Plus, a couple years? Tell me this place isnt already grating on your nerves enough to make that a hell of a long time to wait!

  4. It makes you feel better today though, and you get to reflect on how you are trying to change injustices that *have* bothered you.
    Plus, a couple years? Tell me this place isnt already grating on your nerves enough to make that a hell of a long time to wait!
