I thought about titling this entry, "The Economic Impact of Caylee Anthony", but opted for the above instead.
At my job, on my breaks, I have the unfortunate opportunity to watch Nancy Grace ad nauseam. As you may or may not know, Caylee Anthony was a little girl who was, at first, missing and then found murdered. The primary suspect is her mother, Casey Anthony. Nancy Grace spends an hour each day going over every tiny, insignificant piece of non-evidence that presents itself. For instance, Nancy Grace made a big hubabalu about the mother having pork rinds brought in to the prison where she is being held. Her stance, of course, is that how can you eat pork rinds when your child is murdered....she must be guilty. She has taken videotaped conversations that "tot mom" Casey has had with her parents in prison and analyzed them to death. If Casey talks about not liking being in prison, Nancy tirades of how she should only be thinking about Caylee and how horrible that is...therefore she is guilty. Nancy went so far as to find Target surveillance tape of Casey buying beer while Caylee was missing. Who cares? Nancy does! "She's buying beer when she should be sitting at home worrying!" Maybe she is buying beer because she is worrying.
Don't get me wrong, I think that Casey probably did do it. I'm just not a big fan of trial by media. Look at Gary Condit. The media made him out as the killer, 100%. Now that he is innocent, they are making it sound like it was all his fault that he looked to guilty. Maybe. Or maybe the media shouldn't be the one's making the judgements.
In any case, the point of this whole post is to point out that I've seen at least 40 1-hour shows dedicated or mostly dedicated to Caylee Anthony. All the way from "Where's Caylee?" to "Tot Mom's suspicious behavior". Nancy Grace is raking in some serious advertiser money from this one child murder. The show also brings in "experts" for Nancy to agree with or yell at. They are paid as well. So, we have Nancy Grace, producers, directors, camera people, experts, as well as people paid for photographs, interviews and privately shot video. That's a lot of money exchanging hands over someone dying. Ultimately, I'm sure the amount is easily in the millions. This irks me so much that I've decided to commit the rookie atrocity of comparing it to nazi Germany. It is the equivalent of making money off the forced labor of the jewish people. It is the taking of someone's pain and making a profit off of it with no benefit going to the offended member. Heil Nancy Gracy, Heil!
The real irony is that Nancy Grace's book is titled, "Objection! -- How High-Priced Defense Attorneys, Celebrity Defendants, and a 24/7 Media Have Hijacked Our Criminal Justice System"
Melinda Duckett committed suicide apparently because of treatment from Nancy Grace. Casey Anthony's father attempted suicide partly from the media attention his daughter had been receiving from Nancy Grace.
She was relentless on the Duke's Lacrosse team, who was proven innocent. The day the Lacrosse team was vindicated, Nancy Grace had a substitute anchor.
For more Nancy Grace atrocities or to learn more about nazi Germany, visit her Wikipedia page.
God, I hate Nancy Grace almost as much as I hate Ann Coulter. I can't watch either one. Ugh. I'm so sorry you are forced to watch her at work. That's some kind of hostile working environment claim right there.
ReplyDeleteYou should love Ann Coulter. Embrace her as I do. As a polemicist, Ann Coulter spouts off facts that she makes up. This only appeals to her base...people that are already in her camp. It angers everyone else and leads them to our "side". So, not only does she not "recruit" anyone, she sends them our way. The ones on her side are filled with erroneous facts that are easy to disprove. It's a definite win on our side.
ReplyDeleteHeil Nancy Grace Heil!!
ReplyDeleteIf she doesn't pick through the conversations, film and snacks thus determining who the killer is, who will? The liberal court system I DON'T THINK SO...
God bless you!
ReplyDeleteNot to mention that someone like Casey Anthony will just feed off the media attention for all it's worth. That's who they're helping, really. Thanks to all the publicity, Casey will have a book deal, special interviews, fan mail, and quasi-celebrity status in prison that would never have otherwise been inferred upon her.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention that someone like Casey Anthony will just feed off the media attention for all it's worth. That's who they're helping, really. Thanks to all the publicity, Casey will have a book deal, special interviews, fan mail, and quasi-celebrity status in prison that would never have otherwise been inferred upon her.
ReplyDeleteHeil Nancy Grace Heil!!
ReplyDeleteIf she doesn't pick through the conversations, film and snacks thus determining who the killer is, who will? The liberal court system I DON'T THINK SO...
God bless you!
God, I hate Nancy Grace almost as much as I hate Ann Coulter. I can't watch either one. Ugh. I'm so sorry you are forced to watch her at work. That's some kind of hostile working environment claim right there.