I worked at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center in the Pulmonary Division as a Faculty/Clinic/Academic Coordinator. Wow, that's a mouthful. This was a really good job with two problems. First, it didn't really pay very well, but the benefits were good. Second, I worked in an office with a very annoying woman that spent her days chatting online on LDS singles chats. She drove me crazy.
The head of the division was a genius that didn't believe in a lot of support staff. Basically, it meant that there was me, the annoying woman and an Administrative Manager to run the whole division of a lot of doctors. It kept me busy and the doctors were all really nice. I lucked out there. It turns out that Pulmonary doctors are the nicest of any type of doctors. Neurologists and Cardiologist tend to have god complexes. GI doctors tend to be very money conscious and would sell their grandmother for profit. I never knew that doctors' personalities could be divided by what their specialty was, but you learn something new ever day.
So, I have to say I am a little disappointed with what you said about "the woman" that you worked with...so much more could have been said. "They are killing my people" and so forth.