OK, so my sister worked here first, too. I didn't work for Paul Mitchell. I worked for a distributor of Paul Mitchell products in Ventura, California. It was called Cylected Products after the owner, Cyl. Anyway, I was a warehouse worker for a summer. Really, a laid back job. The boss was one of the friends of Paul Mitchell and John Paul Dejoria and that's why she got to be their distributor in a small, insignificant area. It really wasn't run very well. Such a shame, she would take us to lunch and not really work us very hard. My sister would have to take her home from the hospital after plastic surgery.
I met John Paul Dejoria. Most people think he is Paul Mitchell, but the real Paul Mitchell died. They sprinkled his ashes on a awapuhi farm, so when you wash your hair with a Paul Mitchell product containing awapuhi, you are literally washing your hair with Paul Mitchell.
You have a good memory. You seem to remember your jobs in order from years ago. I only remember '1st job' and then 'other jobs' in no particular order and with several switched around or left out altogether until about the last three years or so.
ReplyDeletePaul Mitchell sounds like hella better work than the others you've mentioned so far. Particularly, Sister's Chicken. Blech. Going home smelling like deep fry batter or Crisco makes me nauseous to imagine.
Well, I think that I'm leaving out some jobs, but that's OK. I am actually doing this as a record for myself. It's nice to put it all in order.
ReplyDeletePaul Mitchell was a good job. Funny thing is, I don't remember "working" there at all. I remember being there. I remember making a seldom delivery. I remember getting my hair cut by a Paul Mitchell expert. Man, that was a great haircut. I remember going out to lunch for work. I remember seeing Cyl, the boss being drugged up after plastic surgery.
All in all, I guess it was a good summer job.
I am so glad that you made this post..it answers a question that has been driving me crazy for years. The question was how come when I use awapuhi shampoo my scalp really tingles and I have the strangest desire to go cut other peoples hair...mystery solved.
ReplyDeleteIt is the ghost of Paul Mitchell filling you with beauty desires.
ReplyDeleteWell, I think that I'm leaving out some jobs, but that's OK. I am actually doing this as a record for myself. It's nice to put it all in order.
ReplyDeletePaul Mitchell was a good job. Funny thing is, I don't remember "working" there at all. I remember being there. I remember making a seldom delivery. I remember getting my hair cut by a Paul Mitchell expert. Man, that was a great haircut. I remember going out to lunch for work. I remember seeing Cyl, the boss being drugged up after plastic surgery.
All in all, I guess it was a good summer job.