Well, we are winding up my tour of jobs as you can see. I'm now up to my first dealing job at Whiskey Pete's. Whiskey Pete's is on the California Border in a little casino town called Primm. It is about 50 miles from Las Vegas. I started working the graveyard shift. I was a zombie. I never slept properly and I never ate properly. They only had breakfast food available. For everyone working at night, it was their daytime, but for some reason, we were only given scrambled eggs and french toast, etc. I lost a lot of weight quickly causing my ears to close up because of ear fat loss. Sounds silly, I know, but it happens. So, I couldn't stay awake, I couldn't hear and I was dealing craps for the first time. It is a complicated game and the boxman was a complete jerk. He just loved to yell at you for anything, making me more nervous than I already was. I couldn't stand it.
One night, a man came in and told the shift boss that he had a bomb wrapped around him and that he would set it off if we wasn't given $60,000. The shift boss told him for that amount of money the guy would have to fill out a form with his name and address. The guy did. The shift boss then told him that it needed to be cleared first. The guy got nervous and left, where security jumped him. They found something tied around his waist, but it wasn't a bomb. I want to say that it was hot dogs, but I think I'm confusing this with a movie. All the while that this was happening, I was completely oblivious. I looked up and saw a lot of security guards and thought it was unusual. Other than that, I only learned about it after the fact. That's how sleepy I was. Other dealers knew what was going on. It was nice to know that the shift boss would play foot loose and fancy free with worker's and customer's lives by not alerting us to a possible bomb and also pulling the stunt with the form. Oh well, it was all in good fun and nobody got their eye poked out.
Eventually, I transferred to the day shift. Better hours, better people, nicer boxman. It was much better.
Okay. The ear fat loss phenomenon must be explained in full, explicit detail. What in the hell. Did a doctor tell you that?
ReplyDeleteNo... I bet you were being facetious again, and I missed it. Was that your humorous theory for an inner ear infection you had back then or something?
Oh, man, I have got to know now if losing weight could conceivably do something like that. Wow. The mind boggles.
It's real. I thought I had an ear infection and took two different anti-biotics over a month's period. The sensation of an ear infection is just sooo horrible. I hate not being able to hear like that, especially on a crap game where everyone is talking to you. Pretty much, no one believed me when I told them that I had an ear infection. Anyway, it was a nurse that told me that it could be because of rapid weight loss disturbing the "fat pads" in the inner ear. I have no idea what that is or anything. When I stopped losing weight, I eventually got my hearing back.
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess it isn't too common and you really have to lose weight fast. We had a doctor, at the Univerisity of Utah, who went through the same thing when he went to Ghana to help out a hospital there for a month. He really couldn't find much to eat and was worked very hard. He also thought it was an ear infection, but it was the fat pads. Unfortunately, I don't know the correct term for the "fat pads". I don't even know exactly how they work or anything.
ReplyDeleteI made up reasons to bring many of this weekend's conversations around to the phrase "fat pads." In most cases, without any preliminary explanation or backstory, but instead, just as contrived excuses to say "fat pads" again. [ Did you hear what I said? No? Well, maybe it's a malfunction of your fat pads. You say your knee got bruised working on the deck, eh? Well, maybe if you had thicker fat pads on them you wouldnt be so sore now. In the event of a fall, what function does fat serve? Fat pads, my friend, fat pads. ]
ReplyDeleteThanks to your interesting story, I have had much enjoyment and learned something too, doggone it!
It's real. I thought I had an ear infection and took two different anti-biotics over a month's period. The sensation of an ear infection is just sooo horrible. I hate not being able to hear like that, especially on a crap game where everyone is talking to you. Pretty much, no one believed me when I told them that I had an ear infection. Anyway, it was a nurse that told me that it could be because of rapid weight loss disturbing the "fat pads" in the inner ear. I have no idea what that is or anything. When I stopped losing weight, I eventually got my hearing back.