A very large, drunk man was playing blackjack on the table next to mine. For some reason, he began to bleed. (This happens more often than you can imagine...I have no idea why). He had a cut on his hand that appeared for unknown reasons after being on the table for half an hour. Because of obvious health reasons we are not allowed to deal to someone with an open wound. Makes sense, of course, they would get blood on the cards, the table, the chips...it's a haz-mat nightmare. So, the dealer says that the man has to wash his hands. The man took a couple of steps away from the table and poured water on them, having it pour over the carpet. The dealer said that he still could not play. Luckily, a security guard was nearby with a bandage. The man put on the bandage and was handing the wrapper back to the guard. The guard, following procedure, said that the man would have to throw that away himself. The man than threw the paper on the floor. The guard said that the man had to pick it up and throw it in the trash.
"You told me to fucking throw it away."
"That means in the garbage, not on the floor....pick it up."
"You told me to throw it the fuck away, so I did."
"The floor is not garbage. You have to pick it up."
Another security guard joined in and unfortunately I was unable to hear the end of this argument as I was dealing cards myself.
In any case, the man went back to the table and the bandage was not stopping the flow of blood. The dealer said that he still could not play. So, the man started to get irate and say that he could play if he "fucking wanted to". Then the other players chimed in and said that they didn't want his blood all over the place. The man got up from the table via security escort and he started yelling, "What did I do wrong...get Metro then!" He yelled this several times and then as he was leaving he yelled "Whore!" about 7 times back at the table. I don't know if he was referring to the dealer or one of the players.
I had actually noticed the man from my table before all of this happened. I would have kicked him out when he started to call people "homos", but our floor supervisors tend to be on the skittish side.
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