Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dreams reflect life.

I had this dream that I was being held with other people against our wills, while being drugged.  It really wasn't against our will, we were "free" to leave at any time, but exits weren't apparent.  I confronted the head of this facility and demanded to leave.  They insisted that I needed to sign out and that we could have a signing party.  I said that there would be no signing party and charged outside.  I came across a sunny park, filled with children on playground equipment.  There also was a table full of playing cards, so I made a game of pitching the cards at the children.  The goal being to hit them.  The children also enjoyed the game.  (I didn't want you to think that I was just randomly throwing cards at victims.

In unrelated news, I was again forced to work overtime, without being asked, by being left on a game.  The graveyard dealers also refuse to give swing shift dealers a break unless they have been in an hour.  That means they come in and then immediately take a break and then give their graveyard friend who has been working 20 minutes a break. 


  1. In unrelated news...? Are you serious? The parallel is nearly perfect, I believe.

  2. That's the wonderful glory of this dream. It so parallels what is happening in my life. It was so transparent that even I caught it right after waking up. Usually it takes a third person.

  3. Isn't there anything you can say to stop people making you work overtime without at least notice at the beginning of your shift? A doctor's note, for example? That seems like torture to have that kind of uncertainty looming after a long shift at work.

  4. There is nothing that can be done. You work overtime if it is busy. If some drunk playing 5 dollars wants to stay up until 6:00 in the morning, you're staying until 6:00 in the morning.

  5. God, with examples like this of management policies, I can't believe you weren't able to get the workers to unionize. Maybe you should have kept at it until they fired you-- and then sued them over it.

  6. God, with examples like this of management policies, I can't believe you weren't able to get the workers to unionize. Maybe you should have kept at it until they fired you-- and then sued them over it.

  7. Isn't there anything you can say to stop people making you work overtime without at least notice at the beginning of your shift? A doctor's note, for example? That seems like torture to have that kind of uncertainty looming after a long shift at work.

  8. That's the wonderful glory of this dream. It so parallels what is happening in my life. It was so transparent that even I caught it right after waking up. Usually it takes a third person.
