Wouldn't $34,000 change your life? It sure would change mine.
I had a player today that lost $34,000 in a matter of 30 minutes. He seemed to think nothing of it. Don't you think it would be a bigger thrill to help out an individual with that $34,000 rather than gamble it away? I mean, it is his money and he can do with it what he wants and maybe he does help out other people. I just can't help but think that if I had that kind of disposible income I would rather make a major impact in someone's life than waste it away for 30 minutes of amusement.
Big surprise too. He was from Texas. Another oil republican with more money than he knows what to do with, bitching about taxes.
I think that if I had that kind of money I would rather give it to individuals than charities. Charities take too much off the top and spread their money too thin. Anyway, sometimes regular people need help too just to get a leg up.
mkhobson's response:
That's a pretty amazing testament to human folly, all right. But I guess if you take the Republican view of things, he *is* spreading it around by giving minimum-wage jobs to casino employees that don't pay them enough to support their families, purchase health care, or provide adequate educations for their children.
I'm feeling bitter today.
My response:
Were you sick?
Yeah, but he basically paid my salary for well over a year in a 30 minutes. Where does the rest of the money go?
Running a casino is like printing money. I don't know why some are so tight.
mkhobson's response:
No, not sick. But it's been a bitch of a week. The "home office" is shutting down our operations, so I'm trying to decide on my next move. All while trying to take care of a husband who just had knee surgery and refinance my house. And on top of it all, I have to travel again next week. I'll be flying on Sept. 11 AND Friday the 13th.
Thank God I'm not superstitious at all ...
My response:
I think you mean August 11th, don't you?
I read your post in your lj so I know what is going on now, but now I know you aren't selling your house. You are probably telling me that you are refinancing in response to my other reply as we speak.
mkhobson's response:
No, I meant Sept. 11. (It's a long story, but not really interesting enough to tell right now.) And I'll be flying next Friday, August 13, too.
It's all very confusing.
My response:
So you are flying after your job is gone? It is confusing, you can tell me when Sept. 11 comes around.
mkhobson's response:
Precisely. In fact, I'll be travelling more in September, after my job is gone, than I am in August.
More as it develops.
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