Monday, August 2, 2004

Uneventful Entry

So, when you go into update journal there is a big empty text box. Above the text box is the word, "Event" and then a colon. As I face this, I realize that my day have been un-'event'-ful.

I watched "24" season I, episodes 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Greg keeps finding holes. I just want to shake him and scream, "willing suspension of disbelief makes entertainment so much more entertaining." He knows that, but just enjoys tearing apart shows. An example of this is when the daughter escapes with clothes she got from the safe house. She has change to use the phone, but where did she get the change. Who cares? Greg does. Or when the mother gets amnesia. He didn't believe that someone would get amnesia like that. I explained that it was a disassociative fugue after a traumatic event. I knew it wasn't a fugue, but I couldn't think of the correct term. Well, the next episode, a doctor explained that it was disassociative amnesia due to a traumatic event. Score I for me. Abnormal Psychology classes do pay off.

Actually, Greg's tearing apart of shows is fine. It can be very interesting as long as I don't just love the show to death, then I feel like he is putting me down for liking it. I like "24", but not that much.

I then went to work and dealt to regular people, very un-event-ful. I wasn't in the high limit pit today and I guess it is a nice break. You certainly don't stand dead like you do in the high limit pit.

I then came home determined to go to the apartment's gym and run on the treadmill. I thought about it all day. Well, here I am, not running on the treadmill. I'm beat. It is not like I work out a lot. In fact, I never workout. Today was going to be the first day or a regular workout routine. Ha

Well, that is enough of this depressingly boring, uneventful entry. Good night.

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