Monday, August 16, 2004

Socio-economic Status and being an Overbearing Asshole

Which comes first?

This is about a lot of the players in the high limit pit and especially the Maloof family. I did not deal to the Maloof's luckily, but I heard plenty of stories. The Maloof's own the Palms Casino as well as the Sacramento Kings. One of them is nice. The rest of them, all men, are jerks.

They complain about the cards, the dealers, the anything. They call the dealers "mother fuckers" as well as racial slurs. They refuse to have a female dealer. They accused one Baccarat dealer of having a female dealer pre-shuffling the cards. So they blew a million dollars tonight. They never tip even when they win(except the one nice one who was not there tonight).

This got me thinking about the tip ratio in the high limit pit. When someone wins, we get a lower percentage of tip from them than when a $10 player wins. We can still make a lot of money though, because 1% of $300,000 is more than 10% of $300.

Which comes first though? Are they assholes and then become rich because of it? Or are they rich and then become assholes because of the money? In the case of the Maloofs, I believe it is the latter. They were born into money. How about the other people in the high limit pit?

I do have to do a disclaimer though, not all of the high limit players are like that. There are some amazingly nice and generous people that come in and they are pure joy to deal to. I always want them to win a ton of money.

I had a horrible man today though. He would pound the table when he lost. He got mad because he got a blackjack betting $200. Why did he get mad? Because he bet $300 the hand before. How come I didn't give it to him then? Keep in mind, the majority of his bets were at $100, so he was lucky to get it with $200 out. He would complain when he lost and complain when he won, but he wouldn't leave. Even Sandy the Destroyer, my relief, couldn't get rid of him. That's saying a lot. People that like to get angry at the dealer don't like getting angry at such a sweet-looking girl.

I had another player who lost to begin with, but then he won all of his money back. In total, he played 10 minutes. He complained that there is no way to win at the Golden Nugget (like we have special, magical cards to make sure he loses). At the end of the 10 minutes, after he won all of his money back, he said, "forget it. There is no way to win here." Apparently, there is a way. After all, he did WIN his money back.

I made maybe $40 in tips today and I dealt to more players than yesterday. Yesterday, I made $3,000 in tips. Too bad it has to be split 250 ways. That equals $12 per dealer.

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2004-08-16 04:11 am (local) (link) DeleteFreezeScreenTrack This
Oh shit, you have to SPLIT your tips? That sucks.

I have an interesting take on the whole money/asshole thing. Money, or being around money, or even just having a sense of entitlement does tend to make one act more like an asshole. I find myself acting more like an asshole princess when I fly business class than when I fly coach. Because you figure you can get away with it. It's like that old psychology study where they had half of the class be "prisoners" and half the class be "guards" and the "guards" always had their fascist, evil, sadistic side teased out of them just by being imbued with the illusion of power. And the "prisoners" experienced lower self-esteem and they started to exhibit signs of Stockholm Syndrome and all that crap, sucking up to the guards to keep them happy ...

It's all ugly deep down and through and through, no doubt about it.


2004-08-16 08:19 am (local) (link) DeleteFreezeScreenTrack This
I knew what your answer would be. There is no "Tabla Rasa". It is "Tabla Pura Evila". I have to disagree though. There is hope. There are really nice people with money. And some of them are oil millionaires even. They are nice even when they lose. They enjoy tipping large and just want to be treated like a normal person.

I guess it comes down to upbringing. One of the reasons the Maloof boys are so bad is because of their upbringing. In their mother's will, the boys are allowed parts of the business and fortune on the condition that they never marry. They get an allowance only if they do. I think that explains why they are such women-hating bastards. A woman did this too them and it was a woman that lead them to beleive that women were evil. Interesting and drole.

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