Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Castle Trick

I had a dream in which I was in bricoleur's house and there was a man in their bedroom looking to confront her and her husband. Apparently, they were hired assassins and were required to complete a "castle trick". A "castle trick" is six murders and they never completed the sixth.

I just like the term "castle trick". It really should be "rook trick", because in my mind, I was thinking of the chess piece. The "trick" part, comes from the term, "hat trick".

Friday, August 19, 2005

Thank you, you young what-you-call-its....idiots!

So, I applied online at a new casino opening up in 2006 to be a casino host. A casino host basically just has to be the friend of a bunch of rich jerks and give them comps, travel arangements, etc. The online application was easy as online applications can be. At the end, it has you schedule an HR appointment. This is very common in Las Vegas. I think it is just a hassle. Here I am on my day off, I have to drive in the worst rush hour traffic in the Nevada heat. I get there and sign in. I see the people get called before me and 15 minutes later I get called in.

"Could you verify your phone number, please?"

I say my phone number and then the HR person goes through my application. Then I'm done. The stupid appointment was just to make sure there were no errors on my application. One of the people that was called in 15 minutes before me is still talking to HR and I can hear them correcting mistakes. I had to take time out of my day off because idiots don't know how to fill out their application. Why do I have to suffer for other's stupidity?

The other thing that gets me is the way people arrive. OK, I knew it was an HR appointment, so I dressed business casual. I didn't come in a suit, too over the top, and I didn't come in shorts and a t-shirt, too casual. I also didn't bring my 5 kids.

Monday, August 15, 2005

World's Worst Vegetarian Improvement

Thanks to hazelwindows I now have to remove another meat item from my diet. Actually, I only have lamb chops about three times a year, but then I read this: http://www.farmsanctuary.com/adopt/hilda.htm Apparently common practice, I decided it wouldn't hurt to cut that three times a year food out of my diet.

That leaves my meat eating at:

Maybe Spam

I guess the plight of pigs doesn't bother me.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Family Reunion

I had a really good time at the Family Reunion in Camarillo, California. I know bricoleur wanted to hear stories of crazy, wacky people running around threatening children, but that didn't happen. My mother's side is rather sane. Even my Aunt Maxine, who suffers from Alzeimer's, was rather "with it". Her communication skills were not what they used to be, but she was quite adept at getting her points across.

At the end of the reunion, my cousin, did some henna tatoos for the family. She does it for a living, so how generous is it to do it for free for a big mess of people. Greg said (Greg didn't go) "how would you like to go to the reunion and deal blackjack?" He has a good point.

Friday, August 5, 2005

Family Reunion

I'm out of here for a couple of days for a Family Reunion. Hopefully, it will get me a good post. Back on Monday.