Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Joe the foul-mouthed dealer from Philly

So, there is a dealer that I work with that is in his 50's and of Italian descent. He works the word "fucking" into his sentences with ridiculous frequency. I am not offended, but I find it immature. He'll say things like "He owns this fucking piece of fucking land. You can fucking build fucking anything you fucking want on it. You could build a fucking McDonald's, a fucking Taco Bell, a fucking Jack in the Box, a fucking Wendy's" by now you're thinking, I get it. You can build a fucking fast food restaurant, but he goes on. "a fucking Del Taco, a fucking Burger King, a fucking McDonald's." Oh, did he mention this already. Yes, and in a normal conversation he fucking repeats himself fucking three or more times.

He also likes to refer to his "piece", a handgun. He likes to wear it in his pants and takes it with him in his car. When someone almost ran him off of the road in an honest driving error, he had them pull over and ran up to their car screaming with. He amuses himself with the fact that they were petrified, because he later realized they could see his gun in his pants. He obsessed with security, safety, and not being the victim of a crime. His house is outfitted with "fucking sensor lights" and "fucking surveillance cameras" to detour and catch anyone thinking of committing a crime.

The last day that he worked with me (he got another "fucking job" at "fucking Mandalay Bay"), he was talking about how times have changed. "You can't commit a fucking murder like you fucking used to with all the fucking forensics nowadays. You know what I fucking mean? I mean you used to be fucking able to pop a fucking cap behind the fucking ear with a fucking .22, wrap them up in a fucking shower curtain and fucking dump them out in the fucking woods. The next day, you would fucking read about it in the fucking paper." He then kind of alluded to the fact that he had commited a murder. It was like he was catching himself from saying it. I can't even remember the exact wording. I really don't think that he is the type to brag about a murder he hadn't committed. Anyway, he continued talking about how his Grandfather had to have a car with a big trunk "back in those days, it was important to be able to stick a couple of fucking bodies in the back, you know what I mean?" It's funny, whenever I describe the size of a trunk I always say how many bodies can fit in it. So, Joe, I know exactly what you mean. He also talked about the fact that he had been taken in for questioning about murders three times and the trick is to say "I don't fucking know nothing" over and over. His grandfather always told him, they can't trick you if you don't know.

Now Joe has also taken fake slips in supermarkets and then later hit his foot with a hammer so he could get a settlement. He is also quite proud of that fact.


  1. wow is he single? cause I too have a big prize in my crackerjacks!

  2. Believe it or not, he is wait, he has a girlfriend...sorry.

  3. heh heh, true.
    What are you supposed to do with that kind of info? Is there a hotline or something for reporting glibly generalized hints at murder confessions? I would be feeling fairly plagued by the idea of long-suffering souls not at rest, watching with tired impotence as Philly Man gloated about the means of their demise to yet another passing stranger...
    Man, I hate smug killers!

  4. I don't think you are going out on a limb by saying that you hate smug killers. I have no evidence and I'm sure he's been questioned on it as he said he had been taken in and questioned. All I could do is say that I think he might have killed someone, sometime in the past. I'm not even sure where. He's been all over the country when he talks about the past. I think it is safe to say, he got away with it and will continue to until he gives names and dates. Oh well.

  5. That bites.
    I guess it's up to him to let slip something specific enough to have been shown on Unsolved Mysteries or something.
    Although, if he has the drive to brag about it, I believe sooner or later he will feel compelled to give out more and more details in his tales to keep the thrill of shocking people going. He will go too far.
    I also believe in karma.

  6. Well, he is not going to let it slip to me. I don't work with him anymore. Yay!! Actually, there is a small chance he will return if his "background" check doesn't go through. Argh.

  7. This guy is trying/likely to pass a background check??? WTF?
    I know people that probably couldnt pass a background check because they have been in treatment before. Or they got in trouble with the law for like shoplifting years ago. Stuff a few folks' bodies in your trunk, though, and get called in by the cops for repeated questioning on your role in some homicides, hey, then come work for us! Your screening came back clean, afterall!

  8. That bites.
    I guess it's up to him to let slip something specific enough to have been shown on Unsolved Mysteries or something.
    Although, if he has the drive to brag about it, I believe sooner or later he will feel compelled to give out more and more details in his tales to keep the thrill of shocking people going. He will go too far.
    I also believe in karma.

  9. wow is he single? cause I too have a big prize in my crackerjacks!
