Saturday, August 9, 2008

Snapea Crisps

Thanks to [info]mkhobson, I've been thinking about favorite snacks and here is one of mine:

They had them in Japan too...Same brand, different name.  Funny thing though was you got a lot more for a lot less in Japan.


  1. So they're like, baked edamame or something? Like soy nuts?
    Or are they like wasabi peas? Oh, I LOVE wasabi peas.

  2. You know what else I really liked in Japan? Octopus jerky. Then I came back to America and ate it just to freak people out. But I got tired of having to make special trips to Uwajimaya just to freak people out.

  3. But... It's... Veggies...
    "Vegetables" and "snack food" together seem to come close to being oxymoronic in my world. Are you trying to tell me this is a treat for you? Like as in:
    "Would you like to go get some fries or some ice cream?"
    "No, I already have some snack salad right here, but thanks."

  4. You never had these?!? They are so good. They are more like a cross between peas and Cheetos. Sounds bizarre until you try them and then you wonder how this fusion didn't happen earlier.

  5. I too am fond of octopus and squid jerky. I'm right there with you on that.

  6. That's exactly what I'm saying.
    They are a cross between peas and Cheetos. I think of them more as a potato chip.

  7. ...a cross between peas and Cheetos.
    Okay, now you're talking. Cheetos work for me.

  8. I too am fond of octopus and squid jerky. I'm right there with you on that.

  9. You know what else I really liked in Japan? Octopus jerky. Then I came back to America and ate it just to freak people out. But I got tired of having to make special trips to Uwajimaya just to freak people out.
